Breaking Dawn Full Book

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A/N: Well, I went and saw the last Twilight movie last night and I just couldn't resist writing a follow up with Jacob and Renesmee. Having said that, this is mostly canon, though there may be a few mistakes so please be kind. I hope you guys like it. Sorry if its a bit choppy. I wanted to make it a really quick read. Let me know what you think! Mwah ^_^

Breaking Dawn: Part 3

Breaking Dawn (The Twilight Saga Book 4) and millions of other books are available for instant access. The series as a whole is not full of action or real danger. Everything that occurs that puts a protagonist into danger seems to come about through happenstance, accident, or misunderstanding. Breaking Dawn (The Twilight Saga Book 4) and millions of other books are available for instant access. The series as a whole is not full of action or real danger.

The Hunt for Renesmee

Jacob sits in the coffee shop. He's uneasy and uncertain and he'll admit it, just plain scared. Which is stupid, he knows, but he has to be honest with himself about all his emotions right now. He has to be. It's what Carlisle had said. And as much as he still felt uncomfortable around the Cullens family he had gotten to spend a lot of time with them lately. Even more than before. It had been the only way to see her. Renesmee. Just the thought of her did it. He tried not to listen to the fearful voice echoing in the back of his mind.

'But, I mean, just what if!' Jacob was visibly frustrated as he paced back and forth.

'It's a risk you'll have to take.' Carlisle spoke softly.

'No! Not again!' Jacob spat with a harsh, wolfish growl, 'Not after last time. And not after Bella! I couldn't stand it to happen again!'

'Would you rather she had no choice? Like..' And Carlisle paused.

'Like me?' And Jacob's eyes were filled with pain.

'Like some kind of machine.' Carlisle placed a cool hand on Jacob's shoulder. 'You still choose to lover her. You still choose to stay. You want her to choose you too. It means risking that rejection. But it also means that it is genuine love.'

Jacob hung his head. He knew Carlisle was probably right. He usually was about most things. But Jacob couldn't shake the feeling like he was being talked into something he didn't want to be talked into.

'Jacob.' Carlisle increased the pressure on Jacob's shoulder, 'You have to trust that the same fated love that helped you find Nessie through Bella will help her find you.'

'Well, that's all well and good for you to say!' Edward was yelling at Bella and Jacob felt every word stab him like a knife. Even if he agreed with Edward.

'What else can we do?' Bella hissed at him, showing her fangs.

'But she's our daughter!' Edward's anger was replaced by tears, 'She's our daughter.'

'And if she wants to join the Volturi that's her choice. Renesmee isn't a child anymore.' And the way she grimaced told both Edward and Jacob that she hated saying the words most of all. But someone had to say it and they had forced her to be the bad guy.

'Where are you going?' Edward saw Jacob duck out of the door. 'What are you planning on doing?'

'I have to go talk to her.' Jacob said knowing how desperate and lame he sounded and for the first time ever actually not caring, 'I have to do this!'

'Why?' Jacob asked reaching for her arm before she buffeted it away.

'Jake! Please!' And she threw more supplies in her bag, 'Daddy already doesn't like this. I can't have you against me too!'

'Then don't go!' Jacob roared in frustration, 'For God's sake, they tried to kill you! Or have you forgotten that too!'

'According to you and everyone else!' And for a moment that anger that flared in her eyes reminded him of the way she used to look at him when he'd end playtime because it was bathtime, 'But no, since you asked, I don't actually remember anything. But the Volturi. The Volturi can help. They have a new vampire named Kyle. He can manipulate memories.'

'And what will they ask in return?' Jacob came as close to her as he dared, 'What will it cost?'

'Aro.. Aro said..' She faltered.

'No, she never came here.' And he popped the small round, red thing into his mouth.

'What do you mean she never showed up!' Jacob was obviously attempting to keep his growling as under control as possible, though Edward wasn't sure he'd convinced Aro yet.

'You really must try these! They're a paste of mixed tiger blood dusted with human blood and with a nougatty O A+ blend at the centre.' And Aro chewed on another before turning to look at Jacob, 'Please, Edward, can you call your pet off?'

'How are you doing, babe?' He asked Bella who was standing in the corner.

'Fine. Shield's fine. Ask him for more info.' She gasped as she concentrated on maintaining the shield, sweat visibly dripping from her face.

'Kyle is no longer with us. Perhaps he and the young lady had a.. how can I be delicate about this.. an arrangement.' And this time Jacob did growl as Aro laughed, 'Oh, come now! Did you really think, mutt, that she could resist the allure of a vampire over a dog?'

'Shut up!' Jacob barked.

'I mean, isn't it a fact that most human women marry men like their fathers?' And Aro gestured towards Edward as he spoke, 'This can't possibly actually be a surprise to you! I mean, why didn't she ask you to come with her? Why would she come alone?'

'I had to. I didn't have a choice.' Renesmee's voice echoed high up into the vault of the abandoned cathedral, 'My family.. It's complicated. And there's this person I care about..'

'And you'd like to remember him?'Kyle was pale, even by vampire standards, with platinum blonde hair and eyes that switched from red to blue as if catching the light.

'Well, you see, I'm not sure.' Renesmee played with her hair, 'I've known him since I was a baby. At least. I think so. I have some memories. Here and there. But because of what happened I can't remember. And..'

Kyle placed a pale finger on his lips.

Breaking Dawn Full Book Download

'She is frightened.' Spoke a delicate voice from behind her as a vampire with deep red hair stepped out.

'This is Victor.' Kyle placed a hand on the new arrival's, 'My mate. He can help you too.'

'If I may.' Victor's thin, pale hand encircled Renesmee's, 'Ah, yes. You are frightened. Frightened by..'

'Jacob! Leave it to the Trackers!' Bella grabbed his arm.

'If Kyle has a shield then they won't be able to find him. But I can find Nessie. Wherever she is!' He sniffed the air.

'Let us come with you.' Edward's eyes carried worry. Not just for Renesmee. Jacob had truly become part of his family, 'You don't know how many there are.'

'I'm sorry.' Jacob set his jaw, 'But I have to do this alone.'

'Why?' Renesmee asked as Victor retreated.

'Because the rush of emotions he would experience as I restore your memories could kill him.' And Kyle watched until the door to the antechamber closed.

'So you have done this before, then.' Renesmee swallowed suddenly nervous for the first time since leaving Forks.

'Yes, though never for such an extensive memory as yours. I sense that it extends even into the womb. Which is much further than I normally reach.' And his eyes shifted to the palest blue as he said it with a far off look.

'And.. and what about Jacob?' Renesmee bit her lip.

'I will not let memories of him return. As your requested.' Kyle took her hand, 'And I will remove all the ones you have of him. He will be a stranger to you.'

As her eyes closed she saw a path of light slide through her mind, revealing her most recent memories. She saw herself walk into the cathedral to meet Kyle. She saw the old woman who had told her where Kyle was, knitting on the steps that led into the Volturi's stronghold. She saw herself arrive in Italy, intent on seeing the Volturi. And then she was boarding the plane to Italy. And then she saw him.

She saw Jacob come smashing through the woods towards the airplane. And where Jacob was running the light flowed into and around him and then it was as if he dissolved mid leap. He was gone. All she remembered was a warm, glowing presence outside as the plane took off. Kyle had taken the first memory.

She saw the night he came to convince her to stay. Light already filling the spaces, erasing him and the argument from her mind. She saw the light fill the space and washing over him, dissolving him as he burst through the door.

'Are you Kyle?!' He yelled as he grabbed the thin, frail looking red head.

'P-please! You! You are angry!' Victor stammered.

'Yeah! I'm angry as hell!' Jacob grumbled low, 'That's not what I asked!'

'And you are..' Victor gasped, 'Afraid. So very afraid.'

'What!' Jacob yelled, dropping the vampire.

'But––' He gasped, catching his breath, 'Most of all. You love. It is your love for Nessie that gives you anger and fear.'

'Hey! Stay out of my head!' Jacob raised his fist before faltering, 'Wait.. what! Nessie! Where is she!'

'Please.' Victor stepped between Jacob and the door, 'I will show you her. But you cannot interrupt. You must remain silent until they are finished.'

'Or what?' Jacob growled stepping towards the door.

'Or you will kill them both.' And Victor shuffled awkwardly as he whispered, 'And then I'll have to fill you with so much fear that your brain will literally explode.. I don't like doing it! So please! Just be quiet!'

'Fine.' Jacob felt his breath hitch, 'But she better be safe.'

She saw her father say that from between the pale green curtains of the hospital while talking to Uncle Jasper and Aunt Rosalie. The warm, glowing presence from before was there too. They were close now. She watched them all leave in reverse and she was grateful that at least the warm presence stayed. And then Grandpa Carlisle was running in and he looked very worried and her head began to hurt. From far away she heard Kyle's voice echoing.

'Yes, we have reached the edge of her memory.' And after a pause as if someone was talking to him he said, 'Yes you can stay, but Victor should leave. It's about to happen.'

And as the door closed behind Jacob he clutched his fist. They had warned him about what would happen next. But still, he wasn't ready for the screaming. Her screaming. His Nessie's screaming. It hurt him so much.

She could barely take it. It felt like her mind was being pushed against a heavy, metal door. And even though they were inching open it hurt her so much.

'Almost there.' Kyle's voice echoed.

'I don't know how much more I can stand.' Jacob and Renesmee whispered in unison.

'Give me your hand.' Kyle held out his hand to Jacob, 'You share a special empathetic bond. I can use it to help lessen her pain. Though, it means you'll have to take some of it––'

Jacob didn't even think. He didn't even let Kyle finish. He immediately grabbed Kyle's hand. And then there was a moment where it felt like a gentle wave washed over his mind, as if getting to know it and checking to make sure everything was in place. And then it began. The pain shot through him like a lightning bolt.

Her pain died down. She felt the warm glow from before wash over her, seeping from next to her. And the door opened and her memorized began to flow in.

She was bleeding all over as she collapsed as her super human legs could not take another step. She had run clear across the Russian tundra. But she couldn't run anymore. As she collapsed it was less than a minute before Jacob sprinted up and returned to his human form, scooping her up and checking her breathing and kissing her face. The light was already running along his frame as he morphed back into a wolf to lie around her, protecting her broken and bleeding body. He disintegration into the warm glow of her memories. And she could swear she heard a wolf howl as she passed out.

Jacob gritted his teeth. He was seeing all of her memories and he knew that he wouldn't like what came next. What they had done to her. But she had to face all of this alone before. He wouldn't let her face it alone again. He gripped Kyle's hand tighter, knowing he might be hurting him and not caring. Kyle gripped back as if telling him he understood and it was alright. Or maybe he saw what was coming and knew Jacob wasn't ready to see what they had done to Renesmee.

She was cold and she was naked and she knew the drill. But she was so hungry she could barely focus. And she had to. She knew the opportune moment was close. She wouldn't think about how cold or lonely or hungry she was. She would not think about the warm glow she missed. Which itself was an odd thought because she felt it as if it were with her now. The reinforced steel arms came down and clamped tightly as usual.

Then came the scan. Even as the radioactive particles washed over her, she felt her skin try to repair the damage. And it did, though it did it slower every time. They were killing her. And they knew it. She gritted her teeth, as she imaged a wolf would. As she imaged someone else had once. Someone she couldn't remember anymore. She focused. She had to escape. And then came the needles.

Jacob winced as if the drills were grinding into his own bones. He wanted to growl or roar or cry. How! How could they! How could anyone have done this to his beloved Nessie! And to think while this was all happening they had just landed in Petrograd. Three years of searching and they had finally turned up a lead. It had taken all of them. Every single vampire and ware-wolf. Other tribes had been enlisted by Sam and Leah. Even the Volturi had joined in when they had learned that she may have been captured by humans.

Of course, they'd wanted to kill all of the Cullenses and their allies first, but by then the force had grown so massive that it would have ended much worse for the Volturi. It could have created a massive vampire civil war. As always Carlisle had intervened and brokered peace. And then the hunt for little Nessie had begun. But of course she had no idea they were searching for her. He just had no idea how much she wouldn't know when he finally found her running out on the snow.

She knew she was missing something. It was like this big gap in her mind. But they told her that this was as it had always been. They told her that she liked it here. And that was what did it because even if she didn't know anything else she knew she did not like it there in her cell. Then she discovered the notes, written on toilet paper and in her own blood. The notes that told her if she was reading them she had probably forgotten everything. That the men in the white lab coats were bad. That they were messing with her mind. Using chemicals and tricks and torture to see if she would behave and respond like a human would. The note told her that if she escaped, to head towards the east, where the light in the sky came up. It told her to ask for the beautiful woman named Tanya. And it told her to keep hope. Someone was coming for her. But she couldn't read the name. There was just the warm glow every time she looked at the paper. Like some guardian angel who made her cry.

Tears were running down his face. He wiped his face with his free hand and knew he had to ready himself. He knew that as she remembered it all he would see it. All of it. All the things they did to her. All the horrible things she had described in the note. Jacob gritted his teeth.

They watched as memory after memory washed over them. At first the men in the white lab coats were drilling through her skin and bones and skull and spine using diamond tipped drills to extract liquids. She wrote the notes to herself using the slow healing wounds. Then it changed and they were trying to get through her skin, breaking scalpels and needles as if they were straw. She broke their robotic arms and several times almost escaped. And through it all she held onto the hope that her family was coming for her. Coming to save her. And always there was the warm glow coming too. The same one with her.

It was night time and she was walking along the road. She could run and cut teh journey by a tenth but that would defeat the point. She wanted it to last. Partially, because she enjoyed the open road whenever she could get away to enjoy it. And partially, because she dreaded the coming reunion. He said he'd be waiting at Tanya's. And she wasn't looking forward to that. Because she knew the answer wouldn't make him happy. It would break his heart.

'Hello, lovey.' Came the voice from the darkness.

'Who's there?' She was shaken, not having sensed anyone approaching.

'I know what you are.' The old woman dressed in black said as she stepped forward. 'There is no need to fear me.'

'You're a vampire.' Renesmee said after one look at the bright red eyes, 'A nomad?'

'Oh, goodness, no.' She gave a loud cackling laugh. 'To tell the absolute truth, I'm the wife of Aro. Maybe you've heard of him?'

'Aro of the Volturi!' Renesmee gasped, 'What are you doing here?! Is Aro here too!? What do you want!'

The old woman cackled, 'No, deary. Best free music download sites for computer. Contrary to myth we do not stay in Voltura all the time. Occasionally we have business and our husbands accompany us. But sometimes, like tonight, we travel on business that does not include them.'

'Why? What happens tonight?' Renesmee asked stepping back.

'This is the night the humans from Arkangel Island kidnap you.' The old wand said with a cough, 'They will not feed you, so I suggest you eat something now.'

Renesmee walked after the old woman behind a mound of earth to where a small camp fire was burning. A tripod was over the fire and a big pot of stew was bubbling away. The old woman began to ladle some into a bowl as Renesmess asked, 'What do you mean the humans will kidnap me?'

'Eat child.' She said, handing the bowl to Renesmee. 'See, I'll eat too. Even if your food is disgusting.'

And the old woman made a bowl for herself as well and scooped up some of the beefy meat and potatoes and carrots in the thick sauce and ladled a helping into her mouth. And Renesmee took a small sip. And suddenly she was ravenous. Against her better judgement she started to eat like someone who hadn't had anything to eat for days.

'What did you mean about tonight.' She tried to say around a mouth full of the hearty stew.

'Well, since you won't remember any of it because of the experiments I'll tell you,' And here she turned to gaze past Jacob and Renesmee directly at Kyle, 'But you must make sure she does not remember this conversation. The wolf can, though he's not important. Now, I will tell you a great secret..

The three of us have watched over the affairs of the world for a very long time. It's only through marriage to us that our husbands gained power. You see, the ancients had many names for us. The Moriae, the Graea, the Norms. The Fates. Because of all the vampires we allone retain a great power of old. The power to see the entirety of time.'

'I have an Aunt that can see the future.' Renesmee scraped the bottom of her bowl and the old woman refilled it.

'Yes, but Alice can only see the current future as it comes into alignment. We see all of the futures and we chose which to align.' She stoked the small fire, 'We make sure vampires never become the dominant race on the planet even though we are the apex predators. We also make sure that the human stock never dwindles away or is allowed to destroy themselves. No matter how hard they seem to keep trying. And occasionally, we must step in directly to prevent certain things.'

'Like what?' Renesmee had finished her second bowl.

'Well, if you hadn't eaten this food you wouldn't have the strength to head East when you escape. You would not have the energy to run across the frozen tundra towards your friend Tanya's new home.' And the wrinkled eyes glimmered in the firelight, 'So go ahead. Have one more bowl.'

'But wait, can't I just not get captured, right now? I mean, can't you help me?' Renesmee didn't know why but she felt as if she could trust anything the old woman said as she continued to shovel the food down.

'No. This is the best future. Not just for you but for everyone. In this future the Volturi will not have to kill your family and the humans do not find out about our existence.. yet.' And her eyes twinkled more in a knowing smile.

And even though Renesmee wanted to argue she felt like she couldn't. She felt like everything the old woman said was true and that this must therefore be the best course to take.

'And it will protect him.' And as she said it Renesmee felt the warm glow again.

'Fine.' She set the bowl down and hefted her backpack back up. 'Thank you for the food.'

'Good. Do not struggle when they take you. If you do you'll break your leg and it will heal improperly and when you try to escape you won't be able to make it in time.' The old woman said, 'Good luck, deary.'

'Thanks for the advice.' Renesmee nodded even though she was frightened, 'And for the stew.'

A few hours later the vans and the helicopters descended on her. They surrounded her and seemed disturbed that she was so calm. Then the bag came over her head. And she said his name..

'Please, Jacob.' She had begged. 'I just need time. By myself. To think!'

'Fine.' He turned, 'I'll head up North to hunt for a bit. When you've thought enough and are ready to talk just let Tanya know.'

'And he bolted out and was gone. But the scene was quickly dissolving and all she knew was that she was angy and upset and confused. And crying for some reason.

He was like another father in her life. Like a big brother. But since she'd turned the equivalent of sixteen he'd been hinting at more. And maybe there could be something there someday. But she doubted it. It all just felt weird. She had too many memories of him singing her lullabies and taking her up for bath time. She couldn't even imagine kissing the guy that had changed her dirty diapers. It was all just too disturbing and just plain gross on some level.

But on another level she understood it. He couldn't help it. He had imprinted on her. He had loved her for years. He was willing to be whatever she needed. But there was something he hoped she would want him to be. And she just wasn't ready to even go there. With him of all people. Possibly never with him. And she had told him that. Maybe having a break from each other would be good.

'Can I come in?' It was her mom.

'Sure.' She braced herself.

'Jake seemed really upset when he left.' Her mom who had once had a thing for him, and he for her. Yeah, let's just make things worse.

'You know.' Renesmee said, 'Sometimes it feels like everyone expects us to end up together. Like some sort of arranged marriage.'

Bella stroked Renesmee's hair as she whispered, 'No matter what choices you make, I will never stop supporting you.'

'Thanks, mom.' She hugged her mother back, 'I love you.'

'I love you too.'

He whispered the words as a tear escaped past his shut eyes. He watched his Nessie get younger and relive her forgotten childhood. And he wasn't sure why but he kept dissolving out of her memories. He knew he was there. He'd even see himself for a few moments before he was gone. Out of the picture altogether. He had a gnawing fear, a suspicion growing at the base of his spine and turning his stomach to lead. He was even about to break the rule of no talking to ask Kyle when he saw her.

It was an early memory. Probably only a few days after the Volturi had retreated. When they had come to kill Nessie. It was the nursery. Bella was rocking Nessie to sleep and must have thought she was already gone. But she wasn't. She was still watching. She had seen it too. The shadow in the corner moved.

'Hello, my dovey dear.' Spoke the old woman.

'Who are you?' Bella hissed while covering the baby's head protectively.

'Shhh, dear. Wouldn't want to wake the little darling. Do we, my dove?' The old woman placed a hand on Nessie's head soothingly.

'You're one of them! The wives! I saw you!' Bella's eyes grew wide.

'Yes, and unlike my bullheaded husband I am here to help you protect the child.' And she made cooing noises towards Nessie.

'Why would you?' Bella asked bristling.

'Because someday something terrible will happen to her. But she must endure it.' The old woman met Bella's fierce gaze.

'What are you talking about.' Bella's blood was boiling, if it could boil.

'She will make a choice. A choice you will not approve of. You must let her. You must always support her. Completely.' The old woman smiled gently, 'You know. Before I was like this I was a mother once too, you know. Oh, so many ages of men ago. But I was. And I still remember. You want to protect them. You want to help them and keep them safe and not let anything bad ever happen to them.'

'So.' Bella felt herself prickle defensively.

'You must fight that urge.' The old woman stood up and walked to the door, 'You must support her choices. Allow her to make her own mistakes. She must learn to be self reliant if she is to survive someday. You must do this for her sake and for your family's. And even for the mutt's sake. Actually, especially for his sake. He's already been through enough pain, don't you think?'

Jacob opened his bloodshot eyes and let go of Kyle's hand that was still surprisingly cold.

'What did she mean?' But Kyle just shook his head and Jacob knew he must still be working on her memories.

He paced the floor back and forth. He could still feel it. The haunting pain of the experiments they had done on her.

'Excuse me, sir.' Victor peaked in, 'Please. There is someone to see you.'

Jacob stepped into the antechamber and knew he should have been more surprised to see Aro standing there with the rest of the Volturi guard. But he wasn't expecting Alice with them.

'I'm sorry, Jake. They followed you to the Volturi and they captured Edward and said they'd kill him unless I showed them where you'd gone. I couldn't find you or Nessie so I had to find Kyle instead.' He could tell she'd been crying.

'And now.' said Aro, 'If you'll please. We need to know the location of the human laboratory.'

'Arkangel Island, Russia.' Jacob said wearily, 'Your trackers should be able to find my scent. It leads to her trail which will take you back to the lab.'

'Excellent.' Aro said turning before Jacob grabbed his arm and several vampire guards lunged forward, fangs ready.

'Don't leave a single one of them alive.' Jacob growled.

'Of course not.' Aro removed the offending hand with distaste, 'After we have found out how they learned about her and what they know. Using the best methods of all of course. Come along Jane.'

'Wait! I want to come too!' He barely shouted the words before the sudden blow crunched down on the base of his skull and his eyes swam in complete darkness.

Her eyes fluttered open. She was crying as she fell into Kyle's arms. Another pair of lithe arms encircled them as Victor cried with her. And then Alice's hand was there too, soothing her as she spoke.

'It's alright, Nessie.' She whispered, 'Everything's going to be alright.'

'Alice.' She gasped, 'I remember. I remember. I remember it all!'

'How are you?' Victor asked, replacing a strand of platinum blonde hair to it's place on Kyle's head.

'I'll be fine. Just need some rest.' He grinned ruefully, 'Don't ever let me do so much at once ever again.'

Victor gave him a light peck on the lips as he spoke, 'Never again.'

'Come on.' Alice took her hand and pulled her up. 'You'll wanna be standing for this next part.'

Just then the door burst open and Edward and Bella rushed in. They were followed by the whole family. Everyone was hugging and crying as Nessie spoke between gasps and hugs. And then Jacob stepped forward.

'Who's this?' She asked smiling at him.

Breaking Dawn Full Book

Before anyone could speak Jacob said, 'Oh, just one of the wolves. They needed someone to come help track you down so I volunteered.'

'Well, thank you..' She couldn't take her eyes off him.

'Jacob. The name's Jacob.' Bella said her voice almost cracking.

'Jacob.' Nessie said it as if trying it out for the first time, 'Thank you, Jacob.'

'No problem.' He stepped aside and the mood was somber and quiet as every eye was on the two. Then he nodded to Jasper who instantly lit up like a lightbulb and everyone was suddenly delighted and happy again. Almost everyone.

As Jacob stepped away he made eye contact with Kyle being led out by Victor. Kyle met his eyes and mouthed the words 'so sorry' as Victor said, 'Heartbreak. Also.. from love.'


It had been the hardest thing of all. Starting over. Pretending not to know everything about her. Not spending time with her like he'd used to. And what made it worse was that after looking for her for three years he now had to pretend that he didn't even care that she was back. It was torture. But it was the sweetest kind.

She would blush furiously every time she saw him. He could tell she was putting effort into looking nice when he came over. Something she had never done before. Was she falling for him?

But after talking to everyone about it he realized that even that was not as great. Because he would have to tell her the truth. That he had known her all her life. That he had always loved her. Almost never left her side. It could break the spell. Everything would be as it was. Everything would be, as she had put it, gross.

But he didn't have any other choice. He had to be himself with her. And that was why he had asked her to meet him in the coffee shop. And as he finishes his story she doesn't say anything. She just looks out the window at the gulls gliding over the grey, frozen waters of the bay.

'So.. say something. Please. Anything.' He begs.

'I..' She pauses as if looking for the right word. 'I..'

'You..?' His heart is racing and his hands are clammy.

'I had suspected.' She smiles coyly finally meeting his gaze.

'You did?' He blinks in surprise.

And this time she laughs, 'Well, you mean besides the fact that you knew where everything in my house was like you'd lived there for years. And besides the fact that I found our initials carved in the wall under my bed. And besides the picture I found from when I was five that shows me riding a wolf with the words Nessie and Jake written over it?'

'Oh.' Jacob blushes to his roots, 'I thought I took care of all those.'

'But more than all of that.' She holds her coffee cup with both hands, looking down into it as she speaks, 'There is this feeling. Like a warm.. almost like a glow.. that runs through all my happiest memories. And it's the thing that kept me going through.. through all of.. anyway.. the only time I feel that. Is when..'

'Yes.' Jacob is anxious as he leans forward, wrapping his tan hand over her small pink one.

'Is when I see you smile.' And her own smile spreads out to mirror his.

'So does this mean..' He feels lightheaded with joy.

'Yes.. yes, I think it does..' She laughs and stops him as he leans in for a kiss, 'But let's do this the right way. Maybe start with a date.'

Everyone in the coffee shop is startled and shocked as the massive man jumps on a table, hooting and laughing and pumping his fist. The girl at the table is covering her face with her hands, blushing and laughing at him. From far across the ocean, three old women smile at each other as if seeing the scene in the coffee shop. And in an abandoned cathedral Victor takes Kyle's hand and whispers, 'Joy.. it also comes from love.'

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  • After the birth of Renesmee/Nessie, the Cullens gather other vampire clans in order to protect the child from a false allegation that puts the family in front of the Volturi.

  • The final Twilight Saga begins with Bella now a vampire learning to use her abilities. And happy to see her daughter, Renesmee is flourishing. But when someone sees Renesmee do something that makes them think that she was turned. This person goes to the Volturi, because it is a violation to turn a child. And the penalty is death for both who turned the child into a vampire and the child, cause they deem a turned child too dangerous. Alice gets a vision of the Volturi coming after them. So the Cullens try to convince them that Renesmee is not a threat. So they ask friends and family to come stand with them. But when someone who has it in for the Volturi shows up and tells them they should be ready for a fight. And they get ready.

  • Bella trains her new abilities with Edward Cullen and they are happy to see their daughter Renesmee growing very fast. Jacob Black has an imprint with the child, irritating Bella. When the vampire Irina sees Renesmee with Bella and Jacob, she believes that the child is immortal and she visits Aro Volturi and tells what she saw. Volturi believes that the girls is a threat to the vampires and decide to travel to Forks to kill Renesmee and her parents. Alice Cullen has a premonition with the Volturi coming to Forks and Edward and Bella visit other clans to convince them to protect Renesmee from the Volturi together with Jacob's pack. The battlefield is ready for a bloody fight.

  • Bella Cullen is now a vampire! After the birth of her and Edward's hybrid daughter, Renesmee, Irina reports them to the Voltori, accusing them of having an immortal child. When news reaches Forks, Bella and Edward know they need to collect witnesses to save Renesmee.

  • Now a full vampire, Bella begins to enjoy a new life with her husband Edward and newborn daughter Renesmee. And Jacob Black vows to be her guardian since he imprinted on Renesmee. However, their new lives together are cut short when someone thinks that Renesmee is an immortal child, which is a violation of law. And danger rises when the sinister Volturi declare the child dangerous and plot to dispose of the Cullens. So the Cullens move to make one final stand to prove to the Volturi that Renesmee is not immortal. To make this work, they must rally friends and family to stand with them in a final battle that will not only decide the child's fate, but the fate of Bella, Edward and their family.

  • Bella is enjoying her new life and new powers, after the birth of their daughter, Renesmee. Soon, however, their family bliss is threatened again, by a new menace. Vampire Irina believes that the Cullens have created an immortal child and a threat to revealing the vampires' existence to humans. As Irina rallies the Volturi to destroy this 'immortal child', Bella and the Cullens - together with any allies they can assemble - are preparing to fight a crucial, ultimate battle, to protect their family.


The synopsis below may give away important plot points.


  • Bella awakens to a new world. Her senses are sharpened, she's beautiful and she's strong - strong enough to make even Edward wince at the enthusiasm of her embrace. Bella wants to see her baby but as a newborn vampire, she is also blood-thirsty and Edward suggests that she hunts and feeds before she sees their baby. During the hunt, Bella is distracted by the unexpected presence of a rock-climber. When the climber skins his knee on the rocks, causing it to ooze blood, Bella starts to lose control, and rushes up the rock to get to him. Edwards follows, trying to persuade her to go back. Although she can feel the thirst for blood burning in her throat, Bella's will power and self-control prove so strong that she is able to throw herself off the rock into a lake to discontinue pursuit. Bella then begins to stalk a small deer. She sees a mountain lion with the intent to feed on the deer as well, so she attacks and feeds off the mountain lion.
    Well-fed, she returns to the Cullen home, anxious to see her baby. Jacob meets her outside and expresses concern that Bella isn't ready, much to Bella's annoyance. Jacob insists that Bella get used to his smell for the well being of the baby. Bella is confused by this and Edward shakes his head at Jacob, warning him to not tell Bella that he has imprinted on Renesmee. Bella realizes now that Jacob, being a wolf, really does smell bad to her. Edward assures Jacob that Bella can handle meeting Renesmee and Bella is at last reunited with her. Renesmee puts her hand on Bella's cheek and shows her first memory to Bella. Jacob is still fretting and the entire clan watches with varying degrees of amusement as Bella learns that Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee and is thus bonded with her for life. Angrily, she confronts Jacob, who tries to reason with her. She shoves him and tells him that he doesn't have any rights to her child. Seth and Leah, in their wolf forms, try to defend Jacob, and Bella angrily knocks Seth into a tree when he moves to protect Jake. She is instantly contrite. Jake finally manages to persuade Bella that he only wants to see Renesmee safe and happy, and it all makes sense now, why Jacob and Bella could've never been together, and why Bella wanted to be around Jacob so much during her pregnancy -- it was Renesmee who wanted him near, the entire time. Although still displeased, Bella is able to force herself to accept that even she can't force Jacob and Renesmee apart.
    As a wedding gift, the Cullens have renovated a cottage on the property for Bella and Edward to give them some privacy. They again make love, which Bella enjoys even more as a vampire. Bella wonders why they would ever want to stop making love since it feels so great, especially since they never have to stop to take a breath or sleep. They return to the Cullen's and the phone is ringing. It's Charlie; he has been calling twice a day. Bella misses Charlie, and is saddened when Carlisle points out that the kindest thing to do would be to tell Charlie that she has died so he can grieve. Emmett remarks how he is going to miss Forks and Carlisle responds that they always return. Jacob is taken aback by the prospect of losing Renesmee, and argues that they cannot leave Forks. The Cullens see no other way around the problem. Jacob takes the matter into his own hands by exposing himself as a werewolf to Charlie - Charlie is embarrassed and alarmed as Jacob awkwardly as begins to strip with a fumbling explanation, and shocked when he then turns into a wolf. Jacob explains that Bella has also undergone an 'unusual' change but wants to have him in her life, if he can handle it. Edward is angry when Jacob tells them what he has done, reminding Jacob that Bella is a newborn vampire, and that Jacob's actions may have endangered Charlie. With hurried coaching from her new family, Bella is taught to fake blink, breathe and move slowly. Bella manages to control her blood thirst when Charlie visits and act almost normal, telling him only what he needs to know, even though he realizes that she has changed. He is hurt and confused since his daughter looks like his daughter but doesn't. When they embrace, he notices her cold body. They introduce Renesmee as a niece that they have adopted, but Charlie isn't buying it -- he realizes that she has Bella's eyes. He agrees that he does not need to know and falls in love with his 'special' grandchild. After Charlie leaves, Emmett jokingly remarks that Bella seems too tame to be a true newborn. But Bella proves she has the physical strength of a newborn by besting Emmett in arm wrestling, and then smashing a huge boulder as the other Cullens watch in amusement.
    In a matter of weeks, Renesmee can talk and grows big enough to walk and hunt, which is a matter of concern for the family, because they fear she will age too quickly and die. Every moment is precious. When Bella and Jacob take Renesmee to catch snowflakes, Irina, a sister of the Denali clan, sees Renesmee from a distance, and mistakes her for an 'immortal child,' a child that has been made a vampire -- one of the highest crimes under Volturi law, because immortal children are undisciplined, never become mature, and can slaughter whole villages in one outburst of emotion. This would make it impossible to hide the existence of vampires from humankind. Bella is troubled that Irina refuses to speak to them and flees at Bella's approach, but Bella shrugs it off after Esme points out that Irina may have just been offended at the sight of Jacob in his wolf form. But later, Alice foresees the Volturi marching to destroy Renesmee and the whole Cullen clan. When she notes that Irina was with the Volturi, Edward puts everything together and realizes that Irina reported the Cullens to the Volturi.
    Shortly after, Sam shows up with a handwritten note from Alice. Sam explains that Alice and Jasper received permission to cross through Quileute land to the ocean. The note Alice wrote tells Bella and the Cullens that they should gather witnesses to vouch for Renesmee, because the Volturi will appear when the snowfall sticks. Alice and Jasper's disappearance frightens the family, who is afraid that Alice left because she foresaw their doom. Later, Bella is reading the note, and seeing that it was written on the back of a page from the book 'Merchant of Venice,' she realizes Alice took the page from Bella's own copy of the book. Consulting it, she finds a cryptic note that reads, 'J. Jenks, Seattle- destroy this.' Bella understands that Alice meant for Bella alone to see that hidden note, because her mind alone would be safe from Aro. Bella makes an appointment with J. Jenks and meets him at a restaurant -- private, yet public; Mr. Jenks is sufficiently wary of the Cullens to protect himself. She discovers that Jasper has ordered fake passports for Jake and Renesmee, as well as a driving license and birth certificates. Bella realizes, with dismay, that Alice has foreseen her and Edward's death and this is Alice's way of protecting Renesmee.
    To stop the Volturi, the Cullens decide to call in their friends from around the world to witness that Renesmee is not an immortal child, but is half-human with a heart beat. Friends come from all over -- Ireland, Egypt, India, South America. They are wary at facing the Volturi, and many of them have their own axe to grind with the Volturi's rule. The Denali 'cousins' explain that Irina was particularly appalled by what she saw as an immortal child, because her mother was executed by the Volturi for creating one. The Cullens' friends who agree to come, all have their own special gifts. Benjamin can control the elements. Kate, of the Denali, can generate electric shocks. Zafrina, from Brazil, has power over the mind, and can make others see whatever she wants them to see, for instance, making Edward believe he was in the middle of a rain forest.
    When Bella says she doesn't see this vision, Eleazar recognizes her own gift-- she's a 'shield,' a defensive talent that explains why Edward and Aro couldn't read her mind, or why Jane couldn't inflict pain on her. Kate tests her electric shock power on Bella and, finding it ineffective, confirms that Bella is a 'shield--' and moreover, Kate and Tanya are sure that Bella can train to project this shield to protect others. Edward considers this a high priority, because if they must fight the Volturi, Aro's first move would be to have Jane and Alec target Edward with their powers, because Edward would be able to anticipate their actions. Bella is the only one who can stand against Jane or Alec. Edward reluctantly submits to Kate's electric shocks to help Bella train in projecting her shield.
    More and more members of Jacob's tribe start to turn into wolves due to the high number of vampires entering the area. The pack works to train and explain everything to the new members. Both Bella and Jacob are nervous about all the witnesses arriving on the Cullen's behalf, as many of them still stick to a diet of human blood; including Garrett, an American patriot who fought beside Carlisle at Yorktown, and an Irish coven of unpredictable nature, not to mention a vampire named Peter, who fought alongside Jasper in the civil war, as a newborn. While Jacob is training a small group of newly phased Quileute wolves, two more vampires arrive, who Jacob realizes were uninvited. These final guests, Vladimir and Stefan, are eager for a battle with the Volturi. When Carlisle and Edward explain that they're trying to avoid a fight, Vladimir and Stefan remark that Aro's witnesses would be very disappointed.
    All of the vampires and Jacob convene, and Eleazar and Carlisle explain how they've put all the pieces together from Vladimir and Stefan's statement: Whenever a coven containing a particularly gifted member, is accused of high crimes, Volturi witnesses will testify against that coven, evidence of the coven's crime coming out of nowhere. After the coven is destroyed, however, Aro will provide 'proof' that the gifted member has repented sufficiently to be forgiven, and placed in a position of honor in the Volturi guard. Alistair says that the Volturi witnesses are to spread the word that justice has been served after the 'offending' coven is destroyed. Edward realizes that all along, Aro's issues with the Cullens revolves around Alice: Aro desperately wants to add her power of foresight to the Volturi. At this point Edward stands forward and asks all the covens to fight alongside his family, as Aro could easily come after the others, one at a time. Amun doesn't want to fight, but Benjamin, knowing he could be targeted, chooses to fight beside the Cullens. Jacob assures that the wolf packs will also fight, and one by one, each group of assembled vampires pledges to defend the Cullens in battle.
    At the first snowfall, the Cullens and their friends gather on a mountaintop at night. While they are awaiting the Volturi, and telling war stories, Bella gives Renesmee a pendant expressing her love for her, and tells Renesmee that the next day, she will need to stay with Jacob at all times, no matter what; even if Bella tells Jacob to take Renesmee far away. Renesmee is frightened, sensing the trouble brewing, and Bella holds her and rocks her to sleep. The other Cullens stand watching, and Carlisle talks about how all the vampire covens have something to fight for, including Carlisle himself. Watching Bella and Renesmee, Edward thanks Carlisle for the extraordinary life he now has.
    Morning comes and the assembled vampire and wolf groups stand on a field on the mountain slope to await the Volturi, who advance majestically en masse. Carlisle tries to reason with Aro. Aro calls Edward forward and reads his thoughts to discover that Renesmee is not an immortal child, but is half vampire and half human. He calls Renesmee forward. Bella, Jacob and Emmett come forward with her. Aro is charmed as she shows him her history and nature. Aro realizes Irina was mistaken. Irina admits that the child she saw was smaller and apologizes for her mistake, taking full responsibility. Aro moves to his plan B, to provoke the group with the execution of Irina. Tanya and Kate, distraught at the sudden and shocking death of their sister, immediately respond, and it takes the work of the rest of the allies to control them. Zafrina temporarily blinds them to calm and slow them. They realize it was his plan to invoke a violent response. As the Cullens and their supporters regain their control, Aro moves on to Plan C and suggests to his followers that because Renesmee is unprecedented, she is unpredictable and therefore unsafe. He explains in this age of technology, only the known are safe and they know nothing of what Renesmee will become.
    Suddenly, from the woods, Alice and Jasper stride forward into the clearing. Alice attempts to show Aro she has seen the future and Renesmee poses no threat. However, in a blink, suddenly, Alice gasps in consternation as she realizes that no matter what she shows Aro, he has already decided on the future of the Cullens: they must be destroyed because they are a threat to his rule and he wants the talented individuals under his control. Alice turns and gives Bella a surreptitious signal that it is time for Jake to take Renesmee to safety. Alice then turns and kicks Aro across the field. Grimly, Bella sends Jacob and Renesmee away, and as Jacob speeds away, she turns to face the Volturi. Jane attempts to weaken Edward with her power and is frustrated when she realizes that Bella, with a satisfied smile, is protecting him with her shield. Alice and Jasper are seized by the Volturi, which brings Carlisle flashing forward in loud protest. Shockingly, Aro intercepts Carlisle in mid-leap and decapitates him in one blow, and Caius then burns Carlisle's body. The Cullens and their allies are enraged at Carlisle's death, and a violent battle ensues between the allies and the Volturi, where there are many fatalities on each side.
    Seeing Bella shielding Jasper from Jane, while Jasper fights with Demitri, Alec leaps at Bella and grapples her, breaking her concentration; Jane is then able to disable Jasper with pain. Felix holds Jasper while Demitri decapitates him. Emmett rushes to Bella's aid, throwing Alec to the ground and stomping on his throat, before ripping his head off. Seth kills a Volturi soldier and then charges at Jane, but cannot stand against Jane's pain illusions, making Seth helpless as Felix grabs him from behind and crushes him in his massive arms. Jacob cannot run at full speed while carrying Renesmee on his back, allowing a Volturi pursuer to gain ground. But when he hears Leah's howl as she sees Seth fall, Jacob intercepts the leaping Volturi and decapitates him in mid-air, and hits the ground running with Renesmee still on his back.
    The battle starts go badly for the Cullens and their allies; Bella is being overpowered by four Volturi, another Quileute falls and Edward is fighting a losing battle with Demitri. Benjamin smashes his fist into the ground, causing the earth to crack open, revealing lava far below. Two of Bella's opponents fall into the crevasse and she is able to overpower the other two with her newborn strength. Demitri shoves Edward down into the crevasse and turns away, only to see Edward has barely escaped death by clinging to the side; Edward leaps back out of the crevasse and kills Demitri. Esme claws desperately to keep from falling in as a Volturi clings to her back trying to kill her. Leah saves Esme, destroying the attacking Volturi, but falling to her own death into the lava below; catching Esme's eye on the way down and sharing a final look of truce. Alice, enraged over Jasper's death, attacks Jane while protected by Bella. Unable to affect Alice with her powers, Jane turns and flees, but Alice leaps ahead of her, seizes Jane by the throat and throws her to Sam, who gladly rips her head off. Caius attacks Tanya, but Garrett kicks him into Kate's waiting clutches. Her electric shocks incapacitate Caius as Tanya approaches and rips off the top half of Caius's head. As Vladimir and Stefan close in on Marcus, he simply sighs in relief and welcomes his death by their ripping off his arms. Finally, Aro charges at Edward and Bella. He knocks them both over. Edward grabs Bella and throws her into a kick that knocks over Aro. As Edward and Aro grapple, Bella jumps on his back and with Edward's help, rips his head off. Chaos reigns as Bella seizes a torch and burns Aro's severed head.
    Suddenly, the scene shifts, and we return to Alice gazing at Aro: She has shown him (and us) the future she has foreseen if he continues on this path, and has made him realize that they will die if their meeting turns into a war. Aro tries to back off, but the others are still worried that since they know nothing of Renesmee, she could still be dangerous. Caius agrees that the Cullens could leave in peace if they had assurance that Renesmee would remain concealed from the human world, but insists that such assurance cannot be provided. However, Edward says it can. Alice waves forward a young Ticuna named Nahuel, another vampire-human crossbreed Alice has found in Brazil. He approaches with his aunt and testifies as to his background and genetic makeup to prove that he is no threat. A vampire seduced his mother and she died in childbirth, his aunt raised him and he turned her. Bella is relieved to hear that during his aging process, he became fully grown after 7 years, but has been living unnoticed by either vampire or human for the last 150 years. He can survive on blood or regular human food. Faced with this evidence as well as Bella's powerful shield, the Volturi gather what shreds of dignity they have remaining and take their leave, although Aro takes a last look at Bella and says to himself, 'such a prize.' Vladimir and Stefan want to pursue and destroy the Volturi, but Carlisle says there will be no fighting. Vladimir and Stefan are displeased, but without any support, cannot pursue the Volturi on their own. The allies are all relieved and quietly celebrate together, and the Denali clan appears to gain a new member: Garrett has fallen in love with Kate.
    The Cullen's allies also begin to depart, with the Cullens' grateful thanks. Bella, Edward, Jake and Renesmee return to their home in peace to live happily ever after. Alice, smiling, sees a future Bella and Edward warmly greeting and embracing a laughing, happy adult Renesmee and Jake on a beach. Edward catches Alice's thoughts and smiles with relief at the knowledge that they have succeeded in making life safe and happy for their loved ones. Jacob catches the serene expression on Edward's face as he watches Bella with Renesmee. When Edward admits he's glad Renesmee has him, Jacob mischievously wonders aloud if he should start calling Edward 'Dad'. 'No,' says Edward firmly, but a small smile plays across his face at the irony.
    In the last scene, Bella and Edward are sitting in the meadow we have come to know from the previous films, and Bella surprises Edward by lifting her shield so he can read her mind, showing him her memories of their life together so far. They kiss, as a phrase from the end of the book reminds us that they will be happy forever.
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