Email Content Transfer Encoding

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  1. Content Transfer Encoding Base64
  2. Python Email Get Content-transfer-encoding
  3. Samsung Email Content Transfer Encoding

MIME describes the common transfer format for anything than trivial e-mails, that is. --barfoot Content-type: image/gif Content-transfer-encoding: base64. The difference in the 'message source' is that this one refers to content as: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 There is no other content reference made. But this email formats properly in the window pane and includes active hyperlinks.

5. The Content-Transfer-Encoding Header Field
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5. The Content-Transfer-Encoding Header Field

5. The Content-Transfer-Encoding Header Field

Many Content-Types which could usefully be transported via email are represented, in their 'natural' format, as 8-bit character or binary data. Such data cannot be transmitted over some transport protocols. For example, RFC 821 restricts mail messages to 7-bit US-ASCII data with lines no longer than 1000 characters. It is necessary, therefore, to define a standard mechanism for re- encoding such data into a 7-bit short-line format. This document specifies that such encodings will be indicated by a new 'Content- Transfer-Encoding' header field. The Content-Transfer-Encoding field is used to indicate the type of transformation that has been used in order to represent the body in an acceptable manner for transport.

Unlike Content-Types, a proliferation of Content-Transfer-Encoding values is undesirable and unnecessary. However, establishing only a single Content-Transfer-Encoding mechanism does not seem possible. There is a tradeoff between the desire for a compact and efficient encoding of largely-binary data and the desire for a readable encoding of data that is mostly, but not entirely, 7-bit data. For this reason, at least two encoding mechanisms are necessary: a 'readable' encoding and a 'dense' encoding.

The Content-Transfer-Encoding field is designed to specify an invertible mapping between the 'native' representation of a type of data and a representation that can be readily exchanged using 7 bit mail transport protocols, such as those defined by RFC 821 (SMTP). This field has not been defined by any previous standard. The field's value is a single token specifying the type of encoding, as enumerated below. Formally:

These values are not case sensitive. That is, Base64 and BASE64 and bAsE64 are all equivalent. An encoding type of 7BIT requires that the body is already in a seven-bit mail-ready representation. This is the default value -- that is, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT' is assumed if the Content-Transfer-Encoding header field is not present.

Email Content Transfer Encoding

The values '8bit', '7bit', and 'binary' all mean that NO encoding has been performed. However, they are potentially useful as indications of the kind of data contained in the object, and therefore of the kind of encoding that might need to be performed for transmission in a given transport system. In particular:

The difference between '8bit' (or any other conceivable bit-width token) and the 'binary' token is that 'binary' does not require adherence to any limits on line length or to the SMTP CRLF semantics, while the bit-width tokens do require such adherence. If the body contains data in any bit-width other than 7-bit, the appropriate bit-width Content-Transfer-Encoding token must be used (e.g., '8bit' for unencoded 8 bit wide data). If the body contains binary data, the 'binary' Content-Transfer-Encoding token must be used.

Implementors may, if necessary, define new Content-Transfer-Encoding values, but must use an x-token, which is a name prefixed by 'X-' to indicate its non-standard status, e.g., 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: x-my-new-encoding'. However, unlike Content-Types and subtypes, the creation of new Content-Transfer-Encoding values is explicitly and strongly discouraged, as it seems likely to hinder interoperability with little potential benefit. Their use is allowed only as the result of an agreement between cooperating user agents.

If a Content-Transfer-Encoding header field appears as part of a message header, it applies to the entire body of that message. If a Content-Transfer-Encoding header field appears as part of a body part's headers, it applies only to the body of that body part. If an entity is of type 'multipart' or 'message', the Content-Transfer- Encoding is not permitted to have any value other than a bit width (e.g., '7bit', '8bit', etc.) or 'binary'.

It should be noted that email is character-oriented, so that the mechanisms described here are mechanisms for encoding arbitrary octet streams, not bit streams. If a bit stream is to be encoded via one of these mechanisms, it must first be converted to an 8-bit byte stream using the network standard bit order ('big-endian'), in which the earlier bits in a stream become the higher-order bits in a byte. A bit stream not ending at an 8-bit boundary must be padded with zeroes. This document provides a mechanism for noting the addition of such padding in the case of the application Content-Type, which has a 'padding' parameter.

The encoding mechanisms defined here explicitly encode all data in ASCII. Thus, for example, suppose an entity has header fields such as:

This must be interpreted to mean that the body is a base64 ASCII encoding of data that was originally in ISO-8859-1, and will be in that character set again after decoding.

The following sections will define the two standard encoding mechanisms. The definition of new content-transfer-encodings is explicitly discouraged and should only occur when absolutely necessary. All content-transfer-encoding namespace except that beginning with 'X-' is explicitly reserved to the IANA for future use. Private agreements about content-transfer-encodings are also explicitly discouraged.


Certain Content-Transfer-Encoding values may only be used on certain Content-Types. In particular, it is expressly forbidden to use any encodings other than '7bit', '8bit', or 'binary' with any Content- Type that recursively includes other Content-Type fields, notably the 'multipart' and 'message' Content-Types. All encodings that are desired for bodies of type multipart or message must be done at the innermost level, by encoding the actual body that needs to be encoded.

Next:5.1. Quoted-Printable Content-Transfer-Encoding
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5. The Content-Transfer-Encoding Header Field

While sending email content, it is required to set 'Content Transfer Encoding' header. I observed many headers of emails that I received. Some emails using '7bit' and some are using '8bit'.

What is the difference between these two? Which is recommended? Is there any special encoding required for email body in order to set these headers?


1 Answer

It can be a bit dense to read, but the 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' section of RFC 1341 has all of the details:

The situation kinda goes from bad to worse. Here's my summary:

SMTP, by definition (RFC 821), limits mail to lines of 1000 characters of 7 bits each. That means that none of the bytes you send down the pipe can have the most significant ('highest-order') bit set to '1'.

The content that we want to send will often not obey this restriction inherently. Think of an image file, or a text file that contains Unicode characters: the bytes of these files will often have their 8th bit set to '1'. SMTP doesn't allow this, so you need to use 'transfer encoding' to describe how you've worked around the mismatch.

The values for the Content-Transfer-Encoding header describe the rule that you've chosen to solve this problem.

Content Transfer Encoding Base64

7bit simply means 'My data consists only of US-ASCII characters, which only use the lower 7 bits for each character.' You're basically guaranteeing that all of the bytes in your content already adhere to the restrictions of SMTP, and so it needs no special treatment. You can just read it as-is.

Note that when you choose 7bit, you're agreeing that all of the lines in your content are less than 1000 characters in length.

As long as your content adheres to these rule, 7bit is the best transfer encoding, since there's no extra work necessary; you just read/write the bytes as they come off the pipe. It's also easy to eyeball 7bit content and make sense of it. The idea here is that if you're just writing in 'plain English text' you'll be fine. But that wasn't true in 2005 and it isn't true today.

8bit means 'My data may include extended ASCII characters; they may use the 8th (highest) bit to indicate special characters outside of the standard US-ASCII 7-bit characters.' As with 7bit, there's still a 1000-character line limit.

8bit, just like 7bit, does not actually do any transformation of the bytes as they're written to or read from the wire. It just means that you're not guaranteeing that none of the bytes will have the highest bit set to '1'.

This seems like a step up from 7bit, since it gives you more freedom in your content. However, RFC 1341 contains this tidbit:

As of the publication of this document, there are no standardized Internet transports for which it is legitimate to include unencoded 8-bit or binary data in mail bodies. Thus there are no circumstances in which the '8bit' or 'binary' Content-Transfer-Encoding is actually legal on the Internet.

RFC 1341 came out over 20 years ago. Since then we've gotten 8bit MIME Extensions in RFC 6152. But even then, line limits still may apply:

Note that this extension does NOT eliminate the possibility of an SMTP server limiting line length; servers are free to implement this extension but nevertheless set a line length limit no lower than 1000 octets.

binary is the same as 8bit, except that there's no line length restriction. You can still include any characters you want, and there's no extra encoding. Similar to 8bit, RFC 1341 states that it's not really a legitimate encoding transfer encoding. RFC 3030 extended this with BINARYMIME.

Before the 8BITMIME extension, there needed to be a way to send content that couldn't be 7bit over SMTP. HTML files (which might have more than 1000-character lines) and files with international characters are good examples of this. The quoted-printable encoding (Defined in Section 5.1 of RFC 1341) is designed to handle this. It does two things:

  • Defines how to escape non-US-ASCII characters so that they can be represented in only 7-bit characters. (Short version: they get displayed as an equals sign plus two 7-bit characters.)
  • Defines that lines will be no greater than 76 characters, and that line breaks will be represented using special characters (which are then escaped).

Quoted Printable, because of the escaping and short lines, is much harder to read by a human than 7bit or 8bit, but it does support a much wider range of possible content.

If your data is largely non-text (ex: an image file), you don't have many options. 7bit is off the table. 8bit and binary100 most common tagalog words. were unsupported prior to the MIME extension RFCs. quoted-printable would work, but is really inefficient (every byte is going to be represented by 3 characters).

base64 is a good solution for this type of data. It encodes 3 raw bytes as 4 US-ASCII characters, which is relatively efficient. RFC 1341 further limits the line length of base64-encoded data to 76 characters to fit within an SMTP message, but that's relatively easy to manage when you're just splitting or concatenating arbitrary characters at fixed lengths.

Python Email Get Content-transfer-encoding

The big downside is that base64-encoded data is pretty much entirely unreadable by humans, even if it's just 'plain' text underneath.

Samsung Email Content Transfer Encoding

Craig WalkerCraig Walker

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